陈良 研究员



陈良博士,博士生导师,973首席科学家,珠江学者特聘教授,自2010年回国一直致力于肺癌的研究。在肺癌的癌变机理、治疗和肺癌的早期诊断做出了突出的贡献。陈良博士提出了第三代EGFR抑制剂的概念,作为主要研究人员参与WZ4002的研制(第一作者,Nature 2009)。曾作为首席科学家主持973项目,国家自然科学基金面上项目,承担国家重点研发计划,广东省科技计划重点项目,以及广州市科技计划项目民生科技攻关计划。

目前主要从事肺癌的癌变机理及抗癌药物开发的研究。课题包括:肺癌抑癌基因的生物学功能机理解析、肺癌精准治疗方案的探索及肺癌免疫治疗的小分子抑制剂或生物大分子的研究和开发。近5年,以通讯作者身份在Science Advances, PNAS、Nature Communications、EMBO molecular medicine、Theranostics、Acta Biomaterialia、Journal of Experimental Medicine、Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等杂志发表近20篇SCI论文,专利转让1项。并获得Antidote Health Foundation For Cure of Cancer(美国)2021年度自由探索奖。



1992.9 - 1996.7



1996.9 - 2002.3



2002.11 - 2005.9



2005.10 - 2010.8



2010.8 - 2016.10



2016.10 - 至今




2024年 国家重点研发计划“干细胞研究与器官修复”重点专项2024年度“揭榜挂帅”项目评审专家

2017–至今 科技部国家重大科学研究计划评审专家

2021–至今 教育部“长江学者奖励计划”评审专家

2018–至今 科技部干细胞及转化研究重大专项评审专家

2012–至今 农业部转基因重大专项评审专家

2018–至今 国家自然基金评审专家

2022–至今 国家重点研发计划“干细胞研究与器官修复”重点专项评审专家

2023–2028 “广东省临床医学学会精准医疗专业委员会”第二届常务委员

2022–至今 广东省病理生理学会会员

2022–至今 广东省自然科学基金——卓越青年团队通讯评审工作

2022–至今 广东省自然科学基金基础和应用基础项目评审专家

2022–至今 年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)通讯评审

2022–至今 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目通讯评审

2021–至今 广东省人类疾病基因组重点实验室第四届学术委员会委员

2021–至今 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金省市联合基金指南论证会

2019–至今 广东省自然基金杰出青年项目评审专家

2018–至今 广东省创新创业团队项目结题验收实地考察评审专家

2014–2018 北京市第四届生物工程协会理事

2017.09–2021.4  Editor, The Open Biomarkers Journal

2017.03–2021.4  Editor, International Journal of Translational Research









成果转化/横向项目,2019.4.30 – 2025.4.30,吩噻嗪类或其类似结构的化合物在制药中的新应用,项目负责人,160万元

国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,819727782020.01 – 2023.12),非小细胞肺癌干性抑癌基因的系统筛选及机理解析,项目负责人,55万元。


广州市科技计划项目民生科技攻关计划生物医药与健康专题,肺癌癌变机理及肺癌精准治疗方案的研究2018030101242018.04 – 2020.12),项目负责人,100万。


广东省科技计划重点项目,晚期肺癌的精准医学临床应用研究2017B0202270012017.01 – 2021.12),300万。课题骨干,60万。

暨南大学高层次人才研究启动项目880174732017 – 2021),项目负责人,1,100万。

国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,816723092017.01 – 2020.12),PD-1小分子抑制剂的开发与其作用分子机理和肺癌治疗的研究,项目负责人,52万元。

国家重点研发计划“精准医学”专项—肺癌诊疗规范及应用方案的精准化研究2016YFC09055002016.07 – 2019.06),670.00万元。课题骨干,50万元。

国家自然科学基金委应急管理项目(编号81550004),2016.01 – 2019.12,胸腺和胸腺瘤差异基因的表达和筛选。参与,12万元

国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目814721922015.01 – 2018.12),多环芳烃受体介导的肺癌EGFR-TKI耐药新机制实验研究,参与,75万元。

国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目814726062015.01 – 2018.12),中国肝癌和肺癌病人中HER2突变体对其蛋白功能影响及对靶向药物的反应机理的研究,项目负责人,72万元

科技部973重大科学专项2011CB8124012011.06 – 2013.12),抗癌小分子化合物的筛选和治疗效果的评价。课题负责人,1200万元。

科技部973重大科学专项2011CB8124002011.06 – 2013.12)癌症中激酶机理的研究和在全新靶向药物分子开发中的应用,首席科学家,3400万元


Nature Communications, Advanced ScienceEMBO Molecular MedicineClinical and Translational MedicineBritish Journal of Cancer, iScience


  1. Liu L, Chen F, Li S, Yang T, Chen S, Zhou Y, Lin Z, Zeng G, Feng P, Shu H, Zhou Q, Ding K, Chen L.*. Human/mouse CD137 agonist, JNU-0921, effectively shrinks tumors through enhancing the cytotoxicity of CD8+ T cells in cis and in trans. Sci Adv. 2024 Aug 23;10(34): eadp8647. (科学网点评:https://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2024/9/530112.shtm)

  2. Qin Z., Yue M., Tang S., Wu F., Sun H., Li Y., Zhang Y., Izumi H., Huang H., Wang W., Xue Y., Tong X., Mori S., Taki T., Goto K., Jin Y., Li F., Li F., Gao Y., Fang Z., Fang Y., Hu L., Yan X., Xu G., Chen H., Kobayashi S., Andrea V., Wong K., Zhu Z*. Chen L.*, Ren S.* Chen L.N.*, Ji H.*, EML4-ALK fusions drive lung adeno-to-squamous transition through JAK-STAT activation. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2024 Mar 4;221(3):e20232028.

  3. Liu L, Lei Y, Zheng Z, Zhou X, Chen S, Zeng G, Yu L*, Wang P*, Chen L.*. 6-Mercaptopurine potently inhibits recruitment of SHP2 by phosphorylated PD-1 to inhibit PD-1 signaling and enhance T cell function. Immunology. 2023;170(2):230-242.

  4. Li B, Yang T, Liu J, Yu X, Li X, Qin F, Zheng J, Liang J, Zeng Y, Zhou Z, Liu L, Zhang B, Yao W, Feng Z, Zeng G, Zhou Q*, Chen L.*. Genetically engineered PD-1 displaying nanovesicles for synergistic checkpoint blockades and chemo-metabolic therapy against non-small cell lung cancer. Acta Biomaterialia. 2023;161:184-200.

  5. Zhou Q, Liang J, Yang T, Liu J, Li B, Li Y, Fan Z, Wang W, Chen W, Yuan S, Xu M, Xu Q, Luan Z, Xia Z, Zhou P, Huang Y, Chen L*. Carfilzomib modulates tumor microenvironment to potentiate immune checkpoint therapy for cancer. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2022;14(1):e14502

  6. Xu F, Zhang X, Chen Z, He S, Guo J, Yu L, Wang Y, Hou C, Ai-Furas H, Zheng Z, Smaill JB, Patterson AV, Zhang ZM, Chen L*, Ren X*, Ding K*. Discovery of Isoform-Selective Akt3 Degraders Overcoming Osimertinib-Induced Resistance in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2022;65(20):14032-14048.

  7. Lu Y, Fan Z, Zhu SJ, Huang X, Zhuang Z, Li Y, Deng Z, Gao L, Hong X, Zhang T, Li L, Sun X, Huang W, Zhang J, Liu Y, Zhang B, Jiang J, Gui F, Wang Z, Li Q, Song S, Huang X, Wu Q, Chen L, Zhou D, Zhang J*, Yun CH*, Chen L*, Deng X*. A new ALK inhibitor overcomes resistance to first- and second-generation inhibitors in NSCLC. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2022;14(1):e14296.

  8. Liu L, Lei Y, Chen W, Zhou Q, Zheng Z, Zeng G, Liu W, Feng P, Zhang Z, Yu L*, Chen L*. In vivo genome-wide CRISPR screening identifies ZNF24 as a negative NF-kappaB modulator in lung cancer. Cell and Bioscience. 2022;12(1):193.

  9. Zhou Q, Chen W, Fan Z, Chen Z, Liang J, Zeng G, Liu L, Liu W, Yang T, Cao X, Yu B, Xu M, Chen YG*, Chen L*. Targeting hyperactive TGFBR2 for treating MYOCD deficient lung cancer. Theranostics. 2021;11(13):6592-6606.

  10. Li B, Liang JX, Lu F, Zeng GD, Zhang JD, Ma YX, Liu P, Wang Q, Zhou Q*, Chen L*. Discovery of Novel Inhibitor for WNT/beta-Catenin Pathway by Tankyrase 1/2 Structure-Based Virtual Screening.Molecules. 2020;25(7)1680.

  11. Fan ZZ, Tian YH, Chen ZP, Liu L, Zhou Q, He JJ, Coleman J, Dong CJ, Li N, Huang JQ, Xu CQ, Zhang ZM, Gao S, Zhou PH*, Ding K*, Chen L*. Blocking interaction between SHP2 and PD-1 denotes a novel opportunity for developing PD-1 inhibitors. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2020;12(6):e11571

  12. Chen ZP, Fan ZZ, Dou XW, Zhou Q, Zeng GD, Liu L, Chen WS, Lan RR, Liu WT, Ru GQ*, Yu L*, He QY*, Chen L*. Inactivation of tumor suppressor gene Clusterin leads to hyperactivation of TAK1-NF-kappa B signaling axis in lung cancer cells and denotes a therapeutic opportunity. Theranostics. 2020;10(25):11520-11534.

  13. Lu F, Zhou Q, Liu L, Zeng G D, Ci W M, Liu W T, Zhang G, Zhang Z Y, Wang P, Zhang A Q, Gao Y F*, Yu L*, He Q Y*, Chen L*. A tumor suppressor enhancing module orchestrated by GATA4 denotes a therapeutic opportunity for GATA4 deficient HCC patients. Theranostics. 2020;10(2):484-497.

  14. Liang JX, Lu F, Li B, Liu L, Zeng GD, Zhou Q*, Chen L*. IRF8 induces senescence of lung cancer cells to exert its tumor suppressive function. Cell Cycle. 2019;18(23):3300-3312.

  15. Gao L, Hu Y, Tian Y, Fan Z, Wang K, Li H, Zhou Q, Zeng G, Hu X, Yu L, Zhou S, Tong X, Huang H, Chen H, Liu Q, Liu W, Zhang G, Zeng M, Zhou G, He Q*, Ji H*, Chen L*. Lung cancer deficient in the tumor suppressor GATA4 is sensitive to TGFBR1 inhibition. Nature Communications. 2019;10(1):1665.

  16. Wu QB, Tian YH, Zhang J, Tong XY, Huang H, Li S, Zhao H, Tang Y, Yuan CZ, Wang K, Fang ZY, Gao L, Hu X, Li FM, Qin Z, Yao S, Chen T, Chen HQ, Zhang G, Liu WT, Sun YH, Chen LN, Wong KK, Ge K, Chen L*, Ji HB*. In vivo CRISPR screening unveils histone demethylase UTX as an important epigenetic regulator in lung tumorigenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018;115(17):E3978-E3986.

  17. Gao R, Xiu WC, Zhang LF, Zang RG, Yang L, Wang CF, Wang M, Wang MZ, Yi L, Tang YY, Gao YW, Wang H, Xi JJ, Liu WQ, Wang YX, Wen XJ, Yu YC, Zhang Y, Chen L*, Chen JY*, Gao SR*. Direct induction of neural progenitor cells transiently passes through a partially reprogrammed state. Biomaterials. 2017;119:53-67.

  18. Yang HX, Zhang W, Lu S, Lu GQ, Zhang HJ, Zhuang YH, Wang Y, Dong MQ, Zhang Y, Zhou XG, Wang P, Yu L*, Wang FC*, Chen L*. Mup-knockout mice generated through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated deletion for use in urinary protein analysis.Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. 2016;48(5):468-473.


  1. Zhou WJ#, Ercan D#, Chen L#, Yun CH#, Li DN, Capelletti M, Cortot AB, Chirieac L, Iacob RE, Padera R, Engen JR, Wong KK*, Eck MJ*, Gray NS*, Janne PA*. Novel mutant-selective EGFR kinase inhibitors against EGFR T790M. Nature. 2009;462(7276):1070-1074.

  2. Girnun GD#, Chen L#, Silvaggi J, Drapkin R, Chirieac LR, Padera RF, Upadhyay R, Vafai SB, Weissleder R, Mahmood U, Naseri E, Buckley S, Li D, Force J, McNamara K, Demetri G, Spiegelman BM, Wong KK*. Regression of Drug-Resistant Lung Cancer by the Combination of Rosiglitazone and Carboplatin. Clinical Cancer Research. 2008;14(20):6478-6486.

  3. Engelman JA#, Chen L#, Tan XH, Crosby K, Guimaraes AR, Upadhyay R, Maira M, McNamara K, Perera SA, Song YC, Chirieac LR, Kaur R, Lightbown A, Simendinger J, Li T, Padera RF, Garcia-Echeverria C, Weissleder R, Mahmood U, Cantley LC*, Wong KK*. Effective use of PI3K and MEK inhibitors to treat mutant Kras G12D and PIK3CA H1047R murine lung cancers. Nature Medicine. 2008;14(12):1351-1356.

  4. Chen L, He WF, Kim ST, Tao J, Gao YF, Chi HB, Intlekofer AM, Harvey B, Reiner SL, Yin ZN, Flavell RA, Craft J*. Epigenetic and transcriptional programs lead to default IFN-gamma production by gamma delta T cells.Journal of Immunology. 2007;178(5):2730-2736.

  5. Chen L, Li G, Tang L, Wang J, Ge XR*. The inhibition of lung cancer cell growth by intracellular immunization with LC-1 ScFv. Cell Research. 2002;12(1):47-54.


  1. Hu L., Zhuang W., Chen M, Liao J, Wu D, Zhang Y, Pang L, Huang Y, Mao T, Yang M, Peng P, Liang J, Chen L, Zeng L, Zhang L, Fang W., EGFR Oncogenic Mutations in NSCLC Impair Macrophage Phagocytosis and Mediate Innate Immune Evasion Through Upregulation of CD47. J Thorac Oncol. 2024 Mar 27:S1556-0864(24)00127-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2024.03.019.

  2. Qin Z#, Sun H#, Yue M, Pan X, Chen L, Feng X, Yan X*, Zhu X*, Ji H*. Phase separation of EML4-ALK in firing downstream signaling and promoting lung tumorigenesis. Cell Discovery. 2021;7(1):33.

  3. Li SP#, Jiang Q#, Liu SL#, Zhang YL#, Tian YH, Song C, Wang J, Zou YG, Anderson GJ, Han JY, Chang Y, Liu Y, Zhang C, Chen L, Zhou GB, Nie GJ*, Yan H*, Ding BQ*, Zhao YL*. A DNA nanorobot functions as a cancer therapeutic in response to a molecular trigger in vivo. Nature Biotechnology. 2018 Mar;36(3):258-264. doi: 10.1038/nbt.4071.

  4. Zhu G#, Fan Z#, Ding M, Zhang H, Mu L, Ding Y, Zhang Y, Jia B, Chen L, Chang Z, Wu W*. An EGFR/PI3K/AKT axis promotes accumulation of the Rac1-GEF Tiam1 that is critical in EGFR-driven tumorigenesis. Oncogene. 2015;34(49):5971-5982.

  5. Liu ZH#, Hu JL#, Liang JZ#, Zhou AJ, Li MZ, Yan SM, Zhang X, Gao S, Chen L, Zhong Q*, Zeng MS*. Far upstream element-binding protein 1 is a prognostic biomarker and promotes nasopharyngeal carcinoma progression. Cell Death & Disease. 2015 Oct 15;6(10):e1920. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2015.258.

  6. Chen Z#, Akbay E#, Mikse O#, Tupper T, Cheng K, Wang YC, Tan XH, Altabef A, Woo SA, Chen L, Reibel JB, Janne PA, Sharpless NE, Engelman JA, Shapiro GI, Kung AL, Wong KK*. Co-Clinical Trials Demonstrate Superiority of Crizotinib to Chemotherapy in ALK-Rearranged Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Predict Strategies to Overcome Resistance. Clinical Cancer Research. 2014;20(5):1204-1211.

  7. Cho J#*, Chen L, Sangji N, Okabe T, Yonesaka K, Francis JM, Flavin RJ, Johnson W, Kwon J, Yu SY, Greulich H, Johnson BE, Eck MJ, Janne PA, Wong KK, Meyerson M*. Cetuximab Response of Lung Cancer-Derived EGF Receptor Mutants Is Associated with Asymmetric Dimerization. Cancer Research. 2013;73(22):6770-6779.

  8. Straume O, Shimamura T, Lampa MJG, Carretero J, Oyan AM, Jia D, Borgman CL, Soucheray M, Downing SR, Short SM, Kang SY, Wang SM, Chen L, Collett K, Bachmann I, Wong KK, Shapiro GI, Kalland KH, Folkman J, Watnick RS, Akslen LA*, Naumov GN*. Suppression of heat shock protein 27 induces long-term dormancy in human breast cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012;109(22):8699-8704.

  9. Shimamura T#, Perera SA, Foley KP, Sang J, Rodig SJ, Inoue T, Chen L, Li DN, Carretero J, Li YC, Sinha P, Carey CD, Borgman CL, Jimenez JP, Meyerson M, Ying WW, Barsoum J, Wong KK, Shapiro GI*. Ganetespib (STA-9090), a Nongeldanamycin HSP90 Inhibitor, Has Potent Antitumor Activity in In Vitro and In Vivo Models of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research. 2012;18(18):4973-4985.

  10. Leng L#, Chen L, Fan J, Greven D, Arjona A, Du X, Austin D, Kashgarian M, Yin Z, Huang XR, Lan HY, Lolis E, Nikolic-Paterson D, Bucala R*. A small-molecule macrophage migration inhibitory factor antagonist protects against glomerulonephritis in lupus-prone NZB/NZW F1 and MRL/lpr mice. Journal of Immunology. 2011;186(1):527-538.

  11. Liang MC#, Ma J, Chen L, Kozlowski P, Qin W, Li D, Goto J, Shimamura T, Hayes DN, Meyerson M, Kwiatkowski DJ*, Wong KK*. TSC1 loss synergizes with KRAS activation in lung cancer development in the mouse and confers rapamycin sensitivity. Oncogene. 2010;29(11):1588-1597.

  12. Perera SA#, Li D, Shimamura T, Raso MG, Ji H, Chen L, Borgman CL, Zaghlul S, Brandstetter KA, Kubo S, Takahashi M, Chirieac LR, Padera RF, Bronson RT, Shapiro GI, Greulich H, Meyerson M, Guertler U, Chesa PG, Solca F, Wistuba, II, Wong KK*. HER2YVMA drives rapid development of adenosquamous lung tumors in mice that are sensitive to BIBW2992 and rapamycin combination therapy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2009;106(2):474-479.

  13. Tao J#, Gao YF, Li MO, He WF, Chen L, Harvev B, Davis RJ, Flavell RA, Yin ZN*. JNK2 negatively regulates CD8(+) T cell effector function and anti-tumor immune response. European Journal of Immunology. 2007;37(3):818-829.

  14. Li DN#, Shimamura T#, Ji HB#, Chen L, Haringsma HJ, McNamara K, Liang MC, Perera SA, Zaghlul S, Borgman CL, Kubo S, Takahashi M, Sun YP, Chirieac LR, Padera RF, Lindeman NI, Janne PA, Thomas RK, Meyerson ML, Eck MJ, Engelman JA, Shapiro GI*, Wong KK*. Bronchial and peripheral murine lung carcinomas induced by T790M-L858R mutant EGFR respond to HKI-272 and rapamycin combination therapy. Cancer Cell. 2007;12(1):81-93.

  15. Ji HB#, Wang ZX#, Perera SA, Li DA, Liang MC, Zaghlul S, McNamara K, Chen L, Albert M, Sun YP, Al-Hashem R, Chirieac LR, Padera R, Bronson RT, Thomas RK, Garraway LA, Janne PA, Johnson BE, Chin L, Wong KK*. Mutations in BRAF and KRAS converge on activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in lung cancer mouse models. Cancer Research. 2007;67(10):4933-4939.

  16. Ji HB#, Ramsey MR#, Hayes DN, Fan C, McNamara K, Kozlowski P, Torrice C, Wu MC, Shimamura T, Perera SA, Liang MC, Cai DP, Naumov GN, Bao L, Contreras CM, Li DN, Chen L, Krishnamurthy J, Koivunen J, Chirieac LR, Padera RF, Bronson RT, Lindeman NI, Christiani DC, Lin XH, Shapiro GI, Janne PA, Johnson BE, Meyerson M, Kwiatkowski DJ, Castrillon DH, Bardeesy N*, Sharpless NE*, Wong KK*. LKB1 modulates lung cancer differentiation and metastasis. Nature. 2007;448(7155):807-U807.

  17. Ji HB#, Li DN, Chen L, Shimamura T, Kobayashi S, McNamara K, Mahmood U, Mitchell A, Sun YP, Al-Hashem R, Chirieac LR, Padera R, Bronson RT, Kim W, Janne PA, Shapiro GI, Tenen D, Johnson BE, Weissleder R, Sharpless NE, Wong KK*. The impact of human EGFR kinase domain mutations on lung tumorigenesis and in vivo sensitivity to EGFR-targeted therapies. Cancer Cell. 2006;9(6):485-495.

  18. Wisnewski AV#, Stowe MH, Cartier A, Liu Q, Liu J, Chen L, Redlich CA*. Isocyanate vapor-induced antigenicity of human albumin.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2004;113(6):1178-1184.

  19. Wisnewski AV#, Herrick CA, Liu Q, Chen L, Bottomly K, Redlich CA*. Human gamma/delta T-cell proliferation and IFN-gamma production induced by hexamethylene diisocyanate. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2003;112(3):538-546.


  1. Chen WS#, Huang Y#, Pan WT#, Xu M, Chen L*. Strategies for developing PD-1 inhibitors and future directions. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2022;202. IF: 6.1004, Q1


  1. 陈良,范真真。吩噻嗪类或其类似结构的化合物在制药中的新应用,中国,201810149730.62019年重新申请的专利申请号:201910792478.5专利号:ZL201910792478.5(该专利已转让给广州威溶特医药科技有限公司)

  2. 王长利,张彬,陈良,马宇辰,陈智鹏,刘翠翠,岳东升,沙永生,田鹏飞,张华,潘家强,范真真。肺癌尿液分子标志物MDH2在用于肺癌辅助诊断方面的应用,中国,申请号201910647881.9

  3. 陈良,陈智鹏。一种治疗肺癌的药物,中国,申请号20191097204.3专利号:ZL201910972043.9

  4. 陈良,周倩,梁锦霞。用于治疗肿瘤的联合药物,申请号202111125450.X专利号:ZL202111125450.X

  5. 陈良,周倩,梁锦霞。用于治疗KRAS突变且同时具有MYOCD功能缺失肺癌的联合药物,申请号202110373242.5专利号:ZL202110373242.5

  6. 周倩,陈良,李博,杨童,曾观娣。用于治疗肿瘤的联合药物,中国,申请号202310110627.1


  1. 粤港澳高校联盟大湾区研讨会——肝病及癌症研究与治疗的前沿发展,2023.6.17,中国深圳,大会报告:靶向肺癌细胞和肿瘤微环境的精准治疗

  2. Cancer Research & Drug development 20222022.10.27,中国线上(美国会议),Develop Small Molecular Drugs to Reprogram Immune-Suppressing Cells,  2022.10.24-2022.10.27

  3. International Conference of the Genetics Society of Korea (ICGSK), 2021.10.21,韩国线上会议, Cancer Genetics SessionStudy of novel tumor suppressor genes in lung cancer paved way for precision medicine

  4. International Congress of Cancer & Clinical Oncology, 2019.12.5,新加坡(Singapore,大会报告:Lung Cancer Deficient in the Tumor Suppressor GATA4 are Sensitive to TGFBR1 Inhibition

  5. Mini-Symposium of Innovative Drug Research Frontier Theory, 2019.11.26, Guangzhou, 大会报告:Identification of critical target proteins for tumor therapy at genomic level and characterization of the mechanism underlying their role

  6. 第三届炎症与肿瘤蛋白质组学国际研讨会,2019.11.23,中国广州,大会报告:抗肺癌药物开发及精准治疗研究

  7. 第二届全国肿瘤细胞生物学年会,2019.8.11,中国贵阳,大会报告:解析抑癌基因在肺癌精准治疗中的重要作用

  8. 中美欧肿瘤精准诊疗论坛(贵阳),2019.7.3,中国贵阳,大会报告:Characterization of tumor suppressor signaling pathways may lead to new approaches of precision medicine for lung cancer patients

  9. 2019年(第九届)北京实验动物科学国际论坛,2019.6.25,北京,大会报告:逆向遗传学-GEMM在癌症研究的应用

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